Loot Table


Gens Maps

Additional 5x Experience
Red Chocolate Boxes
Ruud Boxes

Old Kethitum
Additional 5x Experience
Socket Items up to 3 sockets

Ashen Aida
No Spots
Additional 400x Experience
Pink Chocolate Box
-1000-2000 Ruud
-5 Random Jewels
-5 Three Vacancies
-Random Rank 5 Seed

Gens Rankings
Engaging in PVP and other activities will allow you to gain contribution points towards an official Gens Rank and a respective reward:

Grand Duke - 10x Shining Case
Duke - 5x Shining Case
Maruis - 10x Elegant Case
Count - 7x Elegant Case
Viscount - 5x Elegant Case
Baron - 10x Steel Case
Knight Commander - 7x Steel Case
Superior Knight - 10x Old Case

Jewelry Case Rewards
Shining Case
15x Random Jewels
Random Rank 7 Seed
3000-5000 Ruud
20x Guardian Upgrade Stones
20x Three Vacancies

Elegant Case
10x Random Jewels
Random Rank 6 Seed
2000-2500 Ruud
10x Guardian Upgrade Stones
10x Three Vacancies

Steel Case
5x Random Jewels
Random Rank 5 Seed
500-1500 Ruud
5x Guardian Upgrade Stones
5x Three Vacancies

Old Case
3x Random Jewels
Random Rank 3 Seed
300-500 Ruud
3x Guardian Upgrade Stones
3x Three Vacancies