
4th Class Quest

4th Class Quest

4th Class Upgrade Quest

  • [Quest Background]

    [4th Class Upgrade Background]

    MU’s heroes who inherited the will of the priest of Light, Devin, have successfully defended Crywolf from Balgas and have been reborn as heroes with the sacred god Lugard’s blessing. However, their strength was not enough to defeat the new monsters and restore order in MU.

    The priest, Devin, felt the need to unite the blessed heroes as one so he sought the strength and the ability from... one of the 12 priests of Light and Lugard's guardian knight, 'Sent', and asked her to test the ability of Mu's heroes again and pass down her power to those qualified.

    'Sent', one of the 12 priests of Light, accepted Devin's desperate request and arrived in 'Lorencia' to meet the knights.

    [NPC Sent]

    A female knight with graceful figure. One of the 12 priests of Light and the guardian knight serving the sacred god Lugard.
    She is adventurous and carries out the duties of Lugard's guardian knight in many places but
    she now seeks the heroes with Lugard's blessing to test their ability and pass down her power and skill to those selected as requested by the 'Priest Devin'.

    She arms herself with a great sword and a holy armor, both shining bright, and her body is protected by the Wind Zone under the Lugard's grace.

  • ◈ 4th Upgraded Class Name Setting
    Class4th Class Upgrade
    Dark WizardSoul Wizard
    Dark KnightDragon Knight
    ElfNoble Elf
    SummonerDimension Summoner
    Magic GladiatorMagic Knight
    Dark LordEmpire Lord
    Rage FighterFist Blazer
    Grow LancerShining Lancer
  • 1. 4th Class Upgrade Quest In-Progress / Completed
  • 1) Quest Acquisition and Completion Guide
    • (1) Quest Acquisition - Go to the Area of Eligibility

      ① Talk to Lorencia Town NPC Sent (131.147) to enter the Area of Eligibility

    • (2) Area of Eligibility - Quest Preparation, before proceeding to the Test Area

      ① The Area of Eligibility is where players make preparation before carrying out the quest.

      ② In the Area of Eligibility, players are able to form a party.

      ③ If one of the party member talks to Sent and chooses to enter the Test Area, all party members will progress to the Test Area.

      ④ Only characters with level 750 or higher may enter the Test Area.

      ⑤ Characters below level 800 are still able to enter the Test Area and assist the others completing the quest.

    • (3) Test Area - Quest Completion

      ① The 4th Class Upgrade Quest can be done in the Test Area.

      ② The quest will be carried out in multiple stages based on the character who acquired the quest from Sent.

      ③ The quest is made up of 3 stages and completing the last stage will complete the 4th Class Upgrade Quest.

      ④ If the progress is interrupted by quitting play and returning to the town, the completed stages will be saved and the players can enter the Test Area again and resume the quest.

      ⑤ The 4th Class Upgrade Quest is made up of three stages:
      Stage 1 -> Stage 2 -> Stage 3.
      For example, a player who has not completed the stage 1 will not get the completion credit for the stage 2 even after clearing it together with another member who acquired the stage 2 of the quest.

      • A) Quest Progression Example
        [Party Member Formation]
        (A) Member 1(A) Member 2(A) Member 3(A) Member 4(A) Member 5
        First TimeFirst TimeStage 1 CompletedStage 1 CompletedStage 2 Completed

        a) If it is the first time doing the quest for 'Member 1', the stage 1 of the quest should be carried out and when it is completed, 'Member 1' and 'Member 2' will gain the status of the stage 1 completion. Other members will not be recognized for the completion of the quest.

        b) If 'Member 3' acquires the quest while holding the status of the stage 1 completion, the stage 2 of the quest should be played out and when it is completed, 'Member 3' and 'Member 4' will gain the status of the stage 2 completion. Other members will not be recognized for the completion of the quest.

        c) If 'Member 5' acquires the quest while holding the status of the stage 2 completion, the stage 3 of the quest should be played out and when it is completed, 'Member 5' will gain the status of the stage 3 completion. Other members will not be recognized for the completion of the quest.

  • 2. 4th Class Upgrade Quest - Stage Description
  • 1) 4th Class Upgrade Stage 1: Eligibility Test
    • ① This quest is designed to test if players on their first attempt for the 4th Class Upgrade Quest meets the conditions for the upgrade.
    • ② Lugard's guardian knight, Sent, will personally manage the test and the players have to subdue this guardian.
    • ③ Once Sent's HP reaches 0, the players can talk to the NPC Sent to complete the Eligibility Test.
      Eligibility Test Quest Reward
      Character Stat20 Points
  • 2) 4th Class Upgrade Stage 2: New Battle (1)
    • ① This is the quest where Sent tests the players' hunting and survival skills against multiple monsters.
    • ② The players will have to defeat 5 Deep Dungeon Skeleton Warriors, 5 Deep Dungeon Cyclops and 5 Deep Dungeon Ghost Monsters while surviving the battle for 1 minute.
    • ③ When the time is over, the monsters are removed and Sent will appear. Talking to her will complete the quest.
    •  ④ If the players have failed to hunt 5 of each monster in 1 minute, they can simply redo the session. In this case, the kill count from the previous session is stored so the players only need to defeat the monsters to fulfill the missing counts. 
      New Battle (1) Quest Reward
      Character Stat30 Points
  • 3) 4th Class Upgrade Stage 3 : New Battle (2)
    • ① As the final stage of the quest line, the players have to face Sent one more time and unlike in the Test of Eligibility, Sent will use additional skills and increase the frequency of using skills.
    • ② The players must subdue Sent by reducing her HP to 0.
    • ③ Once Sent's HP reaches 0, the players can talk to the NPC Sent to complete the 'New Battle (2)' quest.
      New Battle (2) Quest Reward
      Character Stat50 Points
      Item RewardsScroll of Gray Oblivion
      Char4th Class Upgrade Complete
      Skill Enhance Tree

      a) The Scroll of Gray Oblivion is provided via the Gremory Case and stored in it for 7 days.

  • 3. 4th Class Character